A Brainwaves Comparison between the Chinese and Western Scho | 57672

Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology


A Brainwaves Comparison between the Chinese and Western School-Aged Children with ADHD

Ka Lee Carrie Ho

This paper presents the latest brainwaves comparison between the Chinese and Western School-aged children with ADHD. According to the latest 30 years of published literature, the ratio of Chinese school-aged children being diagnosed with ADHD has a dramatic increase. In Hong Kong, there was 11,894 children were diagnosed with ADHD in 2018/19 school year, which was a 58% higher than 2014/15 school year. In 2017, the Director of Shanghai Xinhua Hospital even claimed there were more than 4.2 million (4%) school-aged children in China with “hyperactivity disorder”. This study tries to collect the current brainwaves frequency data of school-aged children from the Western and China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan through the published research, and compare to the newly collected data through the EEG equipment, so as to make a preliminary assessment of whether the systemic indicators currently used in the West are applicable to Chinese students. 100 school-aged children in China were recruited for the study. The result revealed cultural influence is a crucial aspect that emerges a new brainwaves frequency matric for Chinese children with ADHD. This study serves as the foundation for future neuroscience studies especially for supporting Chinese school-aged child with diversified educational needs
