An Evaluation Of The Feasibility And Effectiveness Of A Heal | 92255

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562


An Evaluation Of The Feasibility And Effectiveness Of A Health Equity Curriculum For Neurology Residents

Carol Williams*

Despite growing awareness of healthcare disparities in neurology, health equality is not a basic competency of neurology education. We developed a health equity curriculum for neurology residents at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania to satisfy this demand. During the 2019–2020 academic year, a seven-lecture health equity curriculum was launched. Residents' demographics, previous training in health equities, curriculum efficacy in addressing health equities issues, and resident evaluation of the programme were all assessed using surveys issued before and after the curriculum. Residents averaged 2–3 lectures each week. The majority of the residents that took part were White non-Latina women. Clinical duties were cited as the primary cause for absence by residents who did not engage in the curriculum. Residents who took part in the study thought the curriculum helped address health inequalities, cultural competency, and unconscious prejudice. The programme was deemed beneficial by 64% of the residents in boosting their preparation to care for underprivileged patients. A health equity curriculum may be implemented in neurology residency programmes and is highly appreciated by residents. We are unable to measure its genuine impact due to intermittent attendance and limited sample size. Residents, on the other hand, believed it equipped them to deal with inequities in neurological treatment. A lengthier curriculum will aid in the evaluation of this curricular intervention's success. Health equity should be designated a core competence subject for the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) certification, and a consistent health equity curriculum should be introduced throughout all neurology residency programmes
