Autogenous membranes in periodontal regeneration | 56636

Journal of General Dentistry


Autogenous membranes in periodontal regeneration

Rameshwari Singhal

Periodontal regeneration is an ultimate goal but elusive dream for all periodontists. Market is flooded with products offering fancy properties and variable price tags. Question that remains unanswered is: what actually is required, when is it required and what ultimately do we achieve? We measure success in terms of millimeters in reduction of pocket probing depth and clinical attachment gain, explore radiographs to measure this change; but is it a correct definition of success? Do we have enough evidence? Have we ever measured in terms of patient’s logistics? Have we ever explored treatment options on ethical scale? This list goes on but in our pursuit towards new attachment we keep following newer, fancy and mostly pricey trends. India is a developing country with patients coming from all walks of life. We are a socially, economically and culturally diverse population requiring custom made treatment options. Viable alternatives catering to our population needs, helping in health services utilization for all, and providing for enhanced quality of life to our patients needs to be explored and discussed. This topic covers autogenous options for periodontal regeneration which are equally viable, cost effective and ethical in their procurement.
