Bringing RPA to the next level using AI | 53914

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology


Bringing RPA to the next level using AI

Abdeen Omer*

Introduction: Artificial Perspicacity (AI) is transmuting the digital landscape in every field it reaches. The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) revolution goes hand in hand with the advances that Artificial Astuteness is making to transform industries ecumenical. Ultimately, Artificial Perspicacity augments RPA and its implements to surpass prospects. With this already established, it’s valid to verbally express that the world is gearing up for the robotic revolution. Albeit we are already experiencing many of its applications, there’s still plenty of potentials to tap into. What is RPA precisely? RPA or Robotic Process Automation is software technology, as dictated by business logic and structured inputs, aimed to program applications or robots to perform rudimental tasks, just like humans would, in an automated setting. RPA bots can mimic virtually any human action, emulating and integrating actions with digital systems to execute a business process. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) enables organizations to engender virtual workforces that increase process efficiency, truncate errors, and cut operational costs. However, even when enterprises implement RPA, many are challenged with scaling it across the organization and identifying all the potential business processes that can and should be automated for maximum ROI. This presentation will discuss how companies overcome these challenges utilizing AI powered process revelation. Automation has been transmuting the nature of work for over a decennium. It has superseded labour intensive tasks, undertaken perpetual ones, escalated the haste of engenderment and engendered incipient streams of work. Most organizations are already on RPA journey, which has resulted in productivity amendment, cost savings, process time amelioration with perpetual and rule-predicated processes. The commencement of the peregrination involves POCs, pilots, and initial automations. The next frontier is about scaling the 
deployment and adoption of cognitive technologies such as AI, analytics, machine learning that emulate human comportment. The transition involves transformation from running RPA on a few processes to scaling up RPA across the enterprise. This session would deal with strategies & challenges in enterprise wide adoption of Automation - crossing over from RPA to RPA+Cognitive , identifying the right operating model & establishing governance, Leadership & aptitude development , orchestrating stakeholders and board level endorsement. According to Investopedia, Robotic Process Automation is the “software that can be facilely programmed to do rudimentary tasks across applications just as human workers do.” Consequentiality of Robotic Process Automation According to insights developed by McKinsey&Company, RPA offers the potential ROI of 30-200% in the first year of avail alone. This staggering figure is met with the verbal expression made by Leslie Willcocks that “RPA takes the robot out of the human.” Companies and employees are taking notice, which is why everyone is so agog to invest in robotics and its emerging technologies. In essence, RPA is consequential because it is transforming the way businesses operate by availing automate perpetual tasks that are a component of a quotidian routine with a higher degree of efficiency than if performed by a human. Akin to cognitive automation, chatbots, and artificial perspicacity, RPA performs significantly more expeditious and more cost-efficaciously than human resources. Many fear that RPA implements and technologies can be perilous as they take jobs out of human hands. But you shouldn’t authentically worry as there is more to gain than lose when it comes to RPA. To put it into further context, implementing Robotic Process Automation into your workplace can avail with tasks such as monitoring customer activity to discover opportunities to upsell, monitoring client comportment to identify areas of opportunity, truncating cycle times in perpetual tasks to gain competitive advantage, capturing and analyzing bulks of information to provide more expeditious replication times, and more. In a wide range of industries that span healthcare, indemnification, finance, and more, there are many cumbersomely hefty-hitters that have already adopted RPA implements into their processes, including Wal-Mart, Ernst & Puerile, Walgreens, American Express, and more. These early-adopters have benefitted from minimizing staffing costs and human errors with the implementation of RPA technology. 

