Case Report Typhoid Fever at PGI Cikini Hospital, Jakarta: I | 25817

International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices

ISSN - 1986-8111


Case Report Typhoid Fever at PGI Cikini Hospital, Jakarta: Is it Typhoid Fever?

Muhammad Firman Akbar, Yessie Hulwatul Ilmi, Maulidya Aulia Fiqriyana

This commentary is resulted as a response to a case report “Typhoid Fever at PGI Cikini Hospital, Jakarta” written by Ramatillah et al., in 2015. The authors presented a systematic case of typhoid fever, but was elusive in certain points, including the clinical presentation, treatment with respect to antimicrobial and supporting therapies and  laboratory result. This commentary serves different opinion from that of Ramatillah et al., with respect to clinical diagnosis, therapy and laboratory of typhoid fever.
