Chakras? Energy Alteration in Patients with Dementia | 80244

Neurology and Neurorehabilitation


Chakras? Energy Alteration in Patients with Dementia

Huang Wei Ling

Statement of the Problem: Dementia is a term for conditions characterized by decline in memory, language, and problem-solving. In TCM, the kidney energy plays a significant whole in memory. Purpose: To demonstrate that dementia may not be associated with the brain, being only a reflex of a general energy deficiency condition. Methods:  Two case reports. First, S.S, 92-year-old female patient, Alzheimer diagnosis (2016).  The patient lost the vision of both eyes in 1988 (glaucoma). The symptoms presented were refusing to take shower, necessity of washing the hands all the time, urinary incontinence, and hallucinations. She started to treat these conditions with high-concentrated medication and started losing memory and physical energy. She started to complain of pain on the knees, back and joints. Physical therapy and exercise was not effective. The family searched TCM treatment. The second patient: B.N.C, 84-year-old female. Diagnosed with diabetes type 2, hypertension, gallbladder problems, headache and rhinitis, but was still able to perform daily activities normally. In 2017, she started presenting tremors, extreme fatigue and chronic urinary infection. Treatment with antibiotics was done for months, with no improvement. Both patients performed treatment with Chinese dietary counselling, auricular acupuncture associated with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture. Both received measurement of the chakras, which were all completely depleted, level 1 of 8 (except the 7th).  They received treatment for replenishment of the chakras with crystal-based medication and homeopathy, according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements created by the author. High-concentrated medications use were reduced. Results: Both patients perceived improvement of the general state, conscience level and pain. Both patients are still being treated. Conclusion: Dementia is only a reflex of a general energy imbalance. The reduction of all the factors that cause harm to Qi energy is important for recovery of these patients.
