Chlore Hexidine for COVID-19 Prevention for Medical teams, f | 60817

Journal of Dental Research and Practice


Chlore Hexidine for COVID-19 Prevention for Medical teams, front line & Public (RGP: Reversed Gargling Procedure)

Mouaffaq A Jaber

Chlore Hexidine (CH+) as a material (used in Mouth Wash) is a Broad Spectrum Antibiotic (more effective against many MO than many existing Antibiotics). An excellent disinfectant, Bactericidal Bacteriostatic & has excellent destructive effect on Enveloped Viruses (ex. Influenza, HIV, HSV, RSV …). Using CH+ in proper concentrations by a technique that I developed called Reversed Gargling Procedure (RGP) will assist in preventing, destroying and eradicating COV from the Pharyngeal area before reaching Blood stream & Lungs thus preventing infection as a precautionary measure along standard protection recommendations. CH+ may also help in recovery of host individuals thus restricting COV spread & reducing the transformation of COV-19 into COVID-19 for general public & mainly for front line warriors & Medical teams.
