Comparative Study of In-process and Finished Products Qualit | 25742

International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices

ISSN - 1986-8111


Comparative Study of In-process and Finished Products Quality Control Tests of IP, BP & USP for Tablets

Vinay.S, Sudeendra Bhat R, Balamuralidhara V and Pramod Kumar T.M.

Present study deals with a brief overview of the comparative study of quality requirements for in-process and finished products quality control Tests of Indian Pharmacopeia (IP), British Pharmacopeia (BP) & United States Pharmacopeia (USP) for some conventional dosage forms. The concept of total quality control test refers to the process of striving to produce a quality product by a series of measures, requiring an organized effort in order to eliminate errors at every stage in the production. In process product testing is done in order to check the conformance of the final product with the compendial standards as specified in the pharmacopoeias. As the final sample taken for the finished product testing is only a representative of a large batch, a significant difference still remains. The pharmacopoeias have laid down the specified limits within which the value should fall in order to be compliant as per the standards. The official pharmacopoeias in different parts of the world specify the quality requirements for pharmaceutical products. However the parameters and standards differ to some extent from each other. Hence an attempt is being made to compare and bring out the harmonised limits within which a product should fall in order to meet the pharmacopoeial specifications that satisfy quality requirements for many regions. The main aim is to study the quality control tests of Tablets which is the most popular conventional dosage forms and to list down the similarities and differences as per various Pharmacopoeias. The parameters examined for conventional dosage forms as per the Pharmacopoeias were compared and certain similarities and differences were observed. It was noted that except for a few parameters, the quality control tests were broadly similar.
