Improve students’ effectiveness in lab sessions using inst | 25698

International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices

ISSN - 1986-8111


Improve students’ effectiveness in lab sessions using instant lab report

Pathirage Kamal Perera, Yunman Li

Objective: The objective of this study was to improve students’ effectiveness in lab sessions using instant lab report.
Methods: First we introduced the instant lab report method for our students. After introducing this method we did the formative assessment end of lab sessions and analyzed the average marks with previous assessment average marks.
Results: When we analyzed the formative assessment of student after apply our learning agreement on instant lab report we found average mark of the students was higher than the earlier assessment. We observed 21% increased above 50 mark ranges in their marks and average student marks above 60 mark ranges was significantly increased after introducing instant lab report.
Conclusion: Therefore we can conclude that instant lab report method is suitable for up-regulate the students’ effectiveness in lab sessions.
