Market Analysis on Plastic Surgery : Case Studies | 55253

Plastic Surgery: Case Studies


Market Analysis on Plastic Surgery : Case Studies

Jessica Williams

After the successful completion of the Volume 1Issue-1, We are back to release another issue in the field of Plastic Surgery this will give you
exemplary experience and great insights in the field of research.
Plastic Surgery can be Treated with different therapies of them gene induced therapy is a procedure intended to treat a disease by genetically
modifying the cell of the patient. Genes, gene segments or oligonucleotides are transferred into patient cells. Gene transfer therapy can be done
either in vivo approach or ex vivo approach. Gene therapy aims to modify, delete or replace abnormal gene of the target cell. Target cells may be
malignant primarily or metastatic nodules, circulating tumour cells or dormant stem cells or specific cells such as T-cell lymphocytes or dendritic
