Maternal and Neonatal Complications of COVID-19: A Case-seri | 80301

Journal of Clinical Nursing and Practice


Maternal and Neonatal Complications of COVID-19: A Case-series Study

Solmaz Aziz-Aharia

From December 2019, the novel coronavirus, SARS COV-2, spread rapidly from China to the rest of the world, including Iran. Since February 2020, about one million cases have been diagnosed in Iran, with about 50,000 deaths. In our study we aimed to clarify the clinical features and obstetrics and neonatal outcomes of pregnant patients with COVID-19. Methods In this case-series, single-centre study, we aimed to assess all patients suspected of COVID-19 who were admitted to the Imam Sajjad Hospital, a referral hospital in Shahriar City of Tehran Province, from March to the end of September 2020. COVID-19 symptoms and maternal complications and possible neonatal complication including preterm delivery, LBW, and cesarean section were reported. Findings According to clinical, laboratory, and radiologic findings, 42 pregnant women suspected of COVID-19 undergoing vaginal delivery or cesarean section were detected. COVID-19 was confirmed in five pregnant women out of 42 suspected cases. The percentage of need for mothers to be admitted to the ICU was 5.6%, showing an increase compared to that at the same time interval (six months) last year, which was 0.4%. The preterm delivery rate was 9.4% in the suspected group, 0% in the affected group, and 8.3% in total, which increased compared to the preterm labor rate at the same time interval last year (4.64%). However, the LBW rate was 2.8%, which was lower than that at the same time interval last year (3.55%).

