Old Dislocated Condylar Head Fracture of the Mandible: A Cas | 91704

Journal of Arthritis

ISSN - 2167-7921


Old Dislocated Condylar Head Fracture of the Mandible: A Case Report

Shiro Kubo

Condylar process fractures of the mandible are the most frequent type of mandibular fractures. They are usually identified as fresh fractures and rarely as old lesions. A female patient presented with an old dislocated mandibular condylar head fracture, untreated for years without sequelae. Trismus and masticatory disorders are typical sequelae of this type of fracture, if not properly treated. However, she did not suffer any disturbance in mouth opening and in masticatory forces. The mandibular functionality was examined through an analysis of the patient’s injury status and medical imaging.
