Quantifying implant occlusion: A digital way | 60818

Journal of Dental Research and Practice


Quantifying implant occlusion: A digital way

Prajna P Shetty

Dental implants require different biomechanical considerations from natural teeth. Also, with one of the criteria for long-term implant success being “occlusion,” it becomes imperative for the clinician to be well versed with the different concepts when rehabilitating with implant prosthesis. Occlusal overload is attributed to be one of the main causes for peri-implant bone loss and implant/implant prosthesis failure. Studies have suggested that occlusal overload may contribute to implant bone loss and/or loss of osseointegration of successfully integrated implants. It is one of the most important factors in determining the success of the restoration. The occlusion provided must follow sound mechanical principles, direct forces predominantly along the long axis of the implant body, and minimize off-centered forces. The same should be aimed to impart and enhance biological stability. In case of occlusal trauma, mobility can develop in a tooth as well as in an implant. However, upon removal of the trauma, mobility can be reduced or controlled with a natural tooth, while no such response can be noted in an implant. Hence it becomes a prerogative to minimise or eliminate the problem at the earliest and to treat the problem in the initial stages before the progression of the disease. 

Different methods have been used to evaluate the correct occlusion. Recently, T-Scan has become more popular to record the pattern of occlusion. T-Scan has become more popular to record the pattern of occlusion. With the advent of T-Scan and other high end equipments it will be further possible to eliminate the noxious stimuli and increase the longevity and function of the restoration. T-Scan system precisely and dynamically records the time, force and area of occlusal contacts. T-Scan quantifies the amount of relative occlusal force, which enables us to predictably identify and to locate traumatic occlusal contacts. This lecture will give an overview on implant occlusion and how to quantify it and establish it in a more scientifically sound manner.
