Screening and genotyping of Low-Risk and High-Risk Human Pap | 56141

Journal of Microbiology and Immunology


Screening and genotyping of Low-Risk and High-Risk Human Papilloma Virus among Iranian outpatient women referred to Pars Hospital Laboratory

Ramin Lak, Ph.D, Saeed Samie,MD, Roya Hajmohammadi, Naser Bolori, Fatemeh Pashizeh

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the world. Some HPV types can cause genital warts and are considered Low Risk HPVs. Other types are considered High Risk responsible for aggravating cancer in multiple sites of the body including the cervix, vagina, penis, anus & oropharynx. The most common site is uterine cervix in population. HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get the virus at some point in their lives. This large scale study is organized to evaluate both low & high risk type specific HPVs detection in endocervical samples (LBC) and genital wart among Iranian women referred to Pars General Hospital Laboratory in a cross sectional, longitudinal study between Jane 2012 and Feb 2019. Different genital specimens were taken from outpatients women who referred pars hospital Molecular diagnosis and Pathology laboratories for cytology and HPV genotyping and typing alone. A total of 10,321 genital samples of women aged 16-48 years, were evaluated. HPV test was performed using Direct Flow Chip-Master Diagnostica, Spain platform. Cytological evaluation performed by Papanicolaou staining and screened by an experienced cytologist and all suspicious or positive results were also confirmed by an expert pathologist. Our study indicated that the prevalence of this disease in Iran is significant. By comparing previous studies, we conclude that the prevalence of LR HPVs is higher than before and large number of cases were infected by HR HPV types other than 16 & 18. This issue requires the attention of the Puplic Health Organizations.

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