Selection of animal models in pediatric restorative dentistr | 56858

Journal of Dental Research and Practice


Selection of animal models in pediatric restorative dentistry: A review

Anirban Chatterjee

Animal experimental models are widely used in dental sciences in general and more  particularly  in  pediatric dentistry. The reasons for using animal models in dentistry are numerous and includes satisfying study hypothesis, understanding of progression of pathogenesis of certain dental pulp reactions. For example in 1922, Rebel studied the effect of pulp capping procedures on dogs and cats. Since then various animals including rats, rodents, monkeys, dogs, cats and ferrets have been used to examine various aspects of pulp healing.  Animal models are also used for other scientific aspects such as testing new medicines prior to their applications in clinical practice. This presentation will overview use of various animal models for pediatric restorative dentistry purposes and number of factors that must be considered when choosing the animal for such investigations.   
