Skills Acquired during Baccalaureate Degree: Evaluation Stud | 25826

International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices

ISSN - 1986-8111


Skills Acquired during Baccalaureate Degree: Evaluation Study among Practicing Pharmacists in Sudan

Abuabker Elbur, Yousif MA, Elbur AI, Bin Shahna M1, Izham MI, Taib NS, Elmustafa MO, Abdoon S, Ibrahim M

Objective: The objective was to elicit the opinions of Sudanese practicing pharmacists about the skills acquired during their basic degree study period. Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted during the period of May to August 2010 in Khartoum and Gezira states. A convenient random method of sampling was used. Results: Overall 495 pharmacists participated in the survey. Females 59.2%, younger pharmacists 94.8%, holders of Bachelor Degree of Pharmacy 80.8% and pharmacists working in private sector 72.3% were dominant. Drug dispensing 21.6%, monitoring patients’ therapeutic progress 21% and Public education 19.4% were the most skills that did not attained. The patients’ referral 28.1%, working with other health care providers 26.1%, ADRs monitoring 23.8% and patients’ counseling 21.6%, were the least used skills as reported by the participants. Conclusion: The study revealed that most of the Sudanese universities pay a little attention to train their graduates on different pharmacy practice skills.
