The Common Accomplice of Pains, Moans, Groans: Imaging of Br | 47045

Journal of Arthritis

ISSN - 2167-7921


The Common Accomplice of Pains, Moans, Groans: Imaging of Brown Tumors Debusted

Meena GL, Mohammed Khizer Razak and Surbhi Gupta

Brown tumors are focal bone lesions, caused by increased osteoclastic activity and fibroblastic proliferation, encountered in patients with uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism (HPT). They can be located in any part of the skeleton, but are most frequently encountered in the ribs, clavicles, extremities, and pelvic girdle. Clinically significant lesions in the craniofacial bones are rare Brown tumors are focal reactive osteolytic lesions caused by hyperparathyroidism (HPT) and represent the terminal stage of the hyperparathyroidism-dependent bone pathology. Nowadays, the manifestation of hyperparathyroidism with these lesions is extremely rare in developed countries, because of the early detection of the disease, using routine laboratory examination and early treatment of that.

These benign lesions present similar radiologic findings as bone metastasis, which makes the diagnosis difficult Brown tumors are focal bone lesions, caused by increased osteoclastic activity and fibroblastic proliferation, encountered in patients with uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism (HPT). They can be located in any part of the skeleton, but are most frequently encountered in the ribs, clavicles, extremities, and pelvic girdle. Clinically significant lesions in the craniofacial bones are rare Brown tumors are focal reactive osteolytic lesions caused by hyperparathyroidism (HTP) and represent the terminal stage of the hyperparathyroidism-dependent bone pathology.

Nowadays, the manifestation of hyperparathyroidism with these lesions is extremely rare in developed countries, because of the early detection of the disease, using routine laboratory examination and early treatment of that. These benign lesions present similar radiologic findings as bone metastasis, which makes the diagnosis difficult.
