An Old Drug, New Tricks: Ivermectin

International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health

ISSN - 1840-4529

Opinion - (2023) Volume 15, Issue 1

An Old Drug, New Tricks: Ivermectin

Vikas Yadav*
*Correspondence: Vikas Yadav, National Institute of Engineering Technology, Uttar Pradesh, India, Email:

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Approximately 35 years after its astonishing discovery, ivermectin is one of the most significant medications in veterinary and human medicine for the management of parasitic infection. It was the joint recipient of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.Although its activity on glutamate-gated chloride channels in parasitic worms is best described, knowledge of its mode of action is still lacking. Ivermectin resistance is increasingly pervasive in the field of veterinary medicine, however the mechanisms underlying resistance are still unclear. Here, we go into this versatile drug's background and application to world health. We question if ivermectin could have other mechanisms of action on parasitic nematodes based on recent investigations in a number of systems.


Ivermectin • Veterinary medicine • Pathogens • Blood–brain barrier


One of the most popular and well-known antiparasitic medications in both human and veterinary medicine is Ivermectin (IVM). The influence of IVM on human health has been spectacular up to this point, starting with a lucky discovery on a Japanese golf course and ending with a Nobel Prize. Contrary to the Mectizan Donation Program has relieved millions of individuals in the world's poorest countries of the burden of onchocerciasis (river blindness), and subsequently, lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis), and established a precedent for the importance of public-private partnerships in global health. The mode of action of IVM in parasite species, despite significant investigation since its discovery over 35 years ago, is still unknown.

The consequences for present and future control measures are also relevant, as are the mechanisms of resistance that enable some pathogens to survive treatment. IVM features an intriguingly broad selection of far beyond the endoparasites and ectoparasites it was designed to manage, affects in many different creatures. IVM, for instance, has been demonstrated to control blood sugar and cholesterol levels in diabetic mice, to limit the growth of cancerous cells, to hinder the replication of certain flaviviruses, and to decrease the lifespan of the main malaria and trypanosomiasis insect vectors.

Although there is obviously still much to learn about this flexible medication, the prospect of more long-term approaches for ongoing helminth-control programs and creative uses to enhance and democratize human health are strong reasons to study them this reason. In this article,we cover IVM's present applications and talk about new research that show a remarkable diversity of pharmacological targets across many systems. We discuss some significant yet unanswered issues with drug action and resistance mechanisms in parasitic nematodes, and we propose that recently developed, high-quality genomic resources for parasitic helminths are the best resources to address these issues.

Microbiologist Satoshi Omura took a soil sample in 1970 from a wooded area next to a golf club in Kawana, Japan, on Honshu's southernmost coast. A Gram-positive bacteria, sample NRRL 8165, a previously unidentified species of Streptomyces, was isolated and grown by Omura which, along with 50 other strains of Streptomyces thought to be peculiar in appearance or culture characteristics, was submitted to William Campbell at Merck to be tested for antiparasitic properties. Mice infected with Nematospiroides dubius (now known as Heligomosoides polygyrus) responded favorably to NRRL 8165 cultures, and the active ingredients were isolated, revealing a class of macrocyclic lactones. The bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis and these naturally occurring substances were given the names avermectins and averminous, respectively, to represent the worm-free circumstances they created.

Avermectin A1, A2, B1, and B2 are a mixture of four naturally occurring chemicals, each of which has two variations, a and b. The superscripts 1 and 2 relate to the presence of methoxy or hydroxy groups at position C5, respectively, as indicated by the designations "A" and "B." a double bond between C22 and C23 or, alternatively, a hydrogen at C22 and a hydroxy group at C23. Secbutyl is present at C25 in the "a" variations while isopropyl is present in the "b" variants. Avermectins of the "B" series exhibited the highest activity, however initial experiments revealed that all four avermectins displayed considerable efficacy against sheep gastrointestinal nematodes. These minute changes in chemical structure were found to have major functional ramifications.

Although most mammals have a large safety margin for IVM, some canines with a deletion mutation in MDR1, a Pglycoprotein involved in the bloodbrain barrier, are vulnerable to neurological side effects. The term "endectocide" originated from IVM's effectiveness against both endoparasites and ectoparasites, and Merck & Co. brought this first medication of its kind to the animal health market in 1981. Nearly yearly releases of new IVM formulations for various livestock and domestic pet species made IVM the world's best-selling animal health product by the late 1980s. Since then, a number of derivatives have been created with considerable commercial success, including eprinomectin and selamectin (topical use for small animals with a broader safety margin than IVM in dogs with the MDR1 mutation).

The milbemycins are a family of Streptomyces-derived anthelmintics that also includes two other macrocylic lactones of significant economic use, moxidectin and milbemycin oxime. The primary analogies and contrasts between milbemycins and avermectins have previously been discussed. IVM's market has continued to be quite robust in the livestock sector, especially for the control of gastrointestinal roundworms, while it is also approved for the management of bovine lungworm and a number of other ectoparasites. The most widely used anthelmintics at the moment in the UK sheep industry and the US cattle business are IVM and other macrocyclic lactones. In the UK, these are also the anthelmintics that are most usually used to treat horses with roundworms. Additionally, a sizable market exists for macrocyclic lactones in the management of ectoparasites and parasitic nematodes in domestic pets. IVM has a license to treat canine heartworm, Dirofilaria immitis, and gastrointestinal roundworms in dogs when used with pyrantel. IVM, which is frequently used to prevent disease by focusing on the developing larvae after transmission from the mosquito, is ineffective against the adult stages of D. immitis. The key to IVM's value in endemic areas is that it is active during the first six weeks of infection against the L3,L4, and juvenile adult worms without running the danger of the potentially disastrous effects of dead and dying mature adult worms in the heart. There was very little financial motivation to create IVM for the human health industry, despite the potential usefulness of IVM in the cattle and companion animal health markets being recognized from the beginning.

However, Dr. Roy Vagelos, CEO of Merck & Co., was inspired by IVM's effectiveness against the filarial nematodes that cause onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis to donate as much IVM (marketed as Mectizan) "as was needed, for as long as needed, to anyone who wanted it." Since 1987, the Mectizan Donation Program has authorized 1.2 billion treatments for lymphatic filariasis control and elimination (delivered with albendazole supplied by GlaxoSmithKline) and 1.4 billion treatments for onchocerciasis control and eradication. Onchocerca volvulus adults are not killed by IVM, but a single oral dose (150 mg/kg) administered annually decreases microfilarial production and halts the spread of the disease. Similar to this, IVM monotherapy for lymphatic filariasis is microfilaricidal but does not kill adult Wuchereria bancrofti; nevertheless, in this instance, the decrease of microfilaria formation is too transient to stop the spread of the illness. IVM is well controlled, nevertheless, when albendazole is used annually.

Mode of action

IVM is effective in treating a variety of parasite infections, although its exact mechanism of action is less well understood. IVM operates through glutamate-gated ligand-gated chloride channels to impact worm movement, feeding, and reproduction at nanomolar doses. Since glutamategated chloride channels are absent in vertebrates, they are believed to be responsible for IVM's extensive safety margin. GABA, glycine, histamine, and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are just a few of the ligand-gated channels that IVM can interact with when present at micromolar concentrations in both invertebrates and vertebrates. The effect of IVM on worm motion and eating is likely related to binding to GluCls because it is expressed in nematode motor neuron commissures, lateral and sublateral nerve cords, and pharyngeal neurons. Native GluCls have a variety of subunit kinds, while functional GluCls are made up of five different subunit types. Six genes in the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans encode GluCl subunits, with glc 1 serving as the main target of IVM. Even among closely related species, the GluCl family appears to be extremely diverse among parasitic worms. The human hookworms Necator americanus and Ancylostoma ceylanicum as well as the intestinal parasite of sheep, Haemonchus contortus, all belong to the same evolutionary group as C. elegans, but none of them have glc-1 orthologues.

However, functional GluCl channels can be produced from various combinations of subunits, and variations in the distribution and composition of the GluCl channels, as well as differential sensitivity of the other ligand-channel types, may affect how susceptible different nematode species are to IVM (remarkably, A. ceylanicum exhibits a susceptibility to IVM that is 40 times-300 times greater than that of N. americanus, according to in vitro and in vivo studies. The best evidence for this effect of IVM on nematode fertility comes from research on filarial worms, where it has long been known that IVM inhibits the development of microfilariae in utero. Following in vitro exposure to female Brugia malayi to 100 nM-1 mM IVM, alterations in gene expression have now been discovered using transcriptomic analysis, Mode of action with differentially expressed transcripts being particularly enriched for those related in female reproductive. Up until recently, it was assumed that IVM had no direct influence on fecundity because no GluCls had been discovered in the worm reproductive tract. Avr-14, a GluCl component, was found in the B. malayi genome study, and it was localized to the adult Brugia's reproductive system using particular RNA probes.

An observation that may aid in characterizing avr-14's function is that it was most robustly expressed in the embryonic stages of microfilariae, the female worm's uterine wall, and to a lesser extent, the male reproductive tract. Similar to filarial nematodes, different stages of the parasite can be susceptible to IVM, and there is mounting proof that interactions with the host immune system influence the activity of IVM. An antibody against a peptide derived from AVR-14-A was utilized to specifically localize GluCl to the tissue surrounding the Excretory-Secretory (ES) apparatus in B. malayi microfilariae. It was believed that IVM might decrease the release of proteins from the ES vesicle, which would modify in vivo host immunological responses. This theory is supported by data from D. immitis microfilariae, wherein in vitro exposure to IVM increased the binding of neutrophils and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Additionally, the in vitro effects of IVM for both D. immitis and O. volvulus microfilariae needed considerably greater doses than in vivo, confirming a role for host immune function in IVM activity.

Author Info

Vikas Yadav*
National Institute of Engineering Technology, Uttar Pradesh, India

Citation: Yadav V. An Old Drug, New Tricks: Ivermectin. Int. J. Collab. Res. Intern. Med. Public Health. 2022, 15 (1),1-2

Received: 05-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. IJCRIMPH-23-88538; Editor assigned: 06-Jan-2023, Pre QC No. IJCRIMPH-23-88538 (PQ); Reviewed: 15-Jan-2023, QC No. IJCRIMPH-23-88538 (Q); Revised: 18-Jan-2023, Manuscript No. IJCRIMPH-23-88538 (R); Published: 25-Jan-2023, DOI: 10.35248/ 1840-4529.23.15(1).1-2

Copyright: ©2023 Yadav V, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.