Causes and Management of Amblyopia

International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health

ISSN - 1840-4529

Commentary - (2021) Volume 13, Issue 10

Causes and Management of Amblyopia

Harika rinia*
*Correspondence: Dr. Harika rinia, Department of Community Medicine, Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India, Email:

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Amblyopia is a condition where the eyes do not develop vision properly in childhood. It is sometimes also known as Lazy Eye. Amblyopia is a mutual problem mainly seen in new born babies and young children. It is essential to recognize and treat amblyopia as early as possible. Otherwise, a child suffering with amblyopia will not grow normally with healthy vision. Amblyopia can develop from other eye to another eye and cause vision problems. There are some disorders that may leads to amblyopia in a child. There is Strabismus when the eyes point in two different directions, Refractive errors that eye can "turn off," and vision will not develop properly. Cloudiness in the normally clear parts of the eye where the eyes normally clear lens is cloudy. Droopy eyelid can leads to blockage of vision in a child’s developing eye and lead to amblyopia. The patients will face following symptoms and possible eye problems Eye injuries, sudden changes to-or loss of-vision, eye pain, Poor depth perception, Squinting or shutting an eye, Head tilting, Abnormal results of vision screening tests, Eyes that appear to not work together. The Amblyopia can be diagnosed by conducting an eye exam, checking for eye health, a wandering eye, a difference in vision between the eyes or poor vision in both eyes. Eye drops are mostly used to expand the eyes. By using the eye drops it may cause blurred vision that lasts for some hours or a day. Amblyopia generally develops in childhood, usually between ages 5 to 9 years. Recognizing and treating it before age 7 years may cure the condition. Amblyopia can be diagnosed by patient's first eye examination, so that it can be treated in a general optometric practice to dramatically lead to improve quality of life in the developing child and a decrease in vision can be avoided.

Management of amblyopia

Amblyopia can be treated by using atropine eye drops, treating amblyopia can be divided into 3 categories there are paralytic agents (botulinum toxin) for extra ocular muscles to affect eye movements. Autonomic agents (atropine, miotics) for manipulate the refractive status of the eye. Treatment includes drops, eye patches, glasses or contact lenses and sometimes it leads to surgery. Managements for amblyopia include patching, eye drops, and optical penalization of the non- amblyopic eye. The most communal reason of Amblyopia is an imbalance in the muscles that present in the eyes. This difference can cause the eyes to cross in or turn out, and stops them from working together. Difference in sharpness of vision between the eyes is also known as refractive amblyopia. Levodopa pharmacologic treatment has been studied and has shown transitory improvement in vision in amblyopic eyes. However, the precise role of such pharmacologic drugs is unknown. According to the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, levodopa is ineffective as an adjuvant treatment for amblyopia. Levodopa is not being utilized in clinical trials.Atropine penalization (either as ointment or drops) is an alternate means of obscuring eyesight in patients who refuse patching. It should only be used once a day on patients in their favoured eye.

Author Info

Harika rinia*
Department of Community Medicine, Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, India

Received: 07-Oct-2021 Published: 28-Oct-2021

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