Characteristics of Breast Cancer Screening Among the Medical

International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health

ISSN - 1840-4529

Editorial - (2021) Volume 13, Issue 8

Characteristics of Breast Cancer Screening Among the Medical

Vidusha Karavadi*
*Correspondence: Dr. Vidusha Karavadi, Department of Community Medicine, Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Karnataka, India, Email:

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Breast cancer is a significant general well-being challenge around the world, as it is the main source of disease related deaths among ladies, especially in agricultural nations. About 2.1 million ladies were determined to have cancer disease in 2018, and 626,679 deaths were detailed. These addressed an expansion pace of 19% in the frequency and 17% in the death rates when contra ed with 2012. Additionally disturbing is the way that the number of ladies more youthful than 35 determined to have extreme high-grade bosom malignant growth has been expanding. The five-year middle endurance rate is 22%, and most patients pass on inside a year after finding.

Characteristics of Breast Cancer

Cancer disease by and large has a good guess in created nations, somewhat because of location at ahead of schedule and asymptomatic s advances. Devices like the broadly perceived Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (BCRAT or Gail model) that were created and adjusted for the divergence in racial and ethnic gatherings in created nations, specifically in the United States, have been ending up being trying to adjust to agricultural nations including Cameroon, where data about the study of disease transmission and variety of prevailing danger variables of bosom disease in female populaces is regularly scant. Synthesis and now patients at the Breen Breast Health, UH uses the Selenia- Dimensions- 3D digital mammography system, manufactured by Hologic and recently approved by the FDA, combining advanced digital mammography and tom synthesis-generated images to provide a more detailed, highly focused picture of the breast. The technology gives radiologists the ability to identify and characterize individual breast structures and clearly see features which might be obscured in a traditional two-dimensional mammogram by overlapping normal breast anatomy that may mimic or mask a tumor. Dense tissue and overlapping tissue structures may lead to false positive or false negative results with standard mammography. Increasing awareness of the importance of primary cancer prevention is an enormous health-political issue for the future. The incidence of major cancer types, such as gastrointestinal and breast cancer in our ageing society, more active treatment and care, besides the projected losses in working capacity and the accompanying burdens of human suffering. Women with early breast cancer whose systemic treatment and 380 women whose treatment. The study also included 159 women whose guideline adherence .The women were diagnosed invasive breast cancer that had not spread to nearby lymph nodes. Women treated for node-negative breast cancer according to consensus recommendations for systemic therapy experience a significant improvement in survival at 7 years. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, with 40,170 deaths in the United States. Lower mammography screening rates among minority and low income women contributes to the increased morbidity and mortality from breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 5,320 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed and an estimated 780 women will die from breast cancer in Massachusetts. Medical Center (BMC) general internal medicine primary care practice female patients between the ages of 51-70. Patient navigation services consisted of phone calls and reminder letters to identify the barriers to care and aid in directly scheduling mammograms.

At the end of the nine-months, mammography adherence rates increased to 87 percent in those that received patient navigation with no change from the baseline adherence rates of the non-navigated group (76 percent).


Patient navigation also increased adherence rates across all insurance and education groups. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for women in world. Approximately 40,110 women died in U.S from the disease in 2004. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. women between the ages of 20 and 59, and the leading cause of cancer death for women worldwide.

Author Info

Vidusha Karavadi*
Department of Community Medicine, Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Karnataka, India

Received: 17-Aug-2021 Published: 31-Aug-2021

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