Effects of Communicable Disease on Public Health

International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health

ISSN - 1840-4529

Editor Message - (2021) Volume 13, Issue 12

Effects of Communicable Disease on Public Health

Catherine Bereda*
*Correspondence: Dr. Catherine Bereda, Department of Community Medicine, Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Karnataka, India, Email:

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Communicable disease is a syndrome that passes from one person to another or one animal to another animal. Pathogens that cause these diseases include viruses, bacteria, and fungi. A communicable disease is any infection that spreads between people or animals. The public sometimes refers to communicable diseases as "transferable" or "communicable" diseases. A person may get a communicable disease after getting affected by a pathogen. This may be due to contact with contaminated fluids, such as mucus, blood, or saliva. Direct interaction with an individual carrying the pathogen. Inhaling contaminated droplets from an affected person’s sneeze or cough, getting a bite from an insect or animal carrying the pathogen, or taking contaminated drinks or foods. Once a person has been affected by the pathogen, it will begin replicating. The person may then activate to experience symptoms. Some indications are a direct effect of the pathogen killing the body’s cells. Communicable diseases are generally slight mild, and symptoms permit after a few days. Moreover, several pathogens can be severe and theoretically life threatening. There are four main types of pathogens that cause infections are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protests. Viruses are minute pathogens that comprise genetic material. Unlike other pathogens, they have absence of the complex structure of a cell. To reproduce, they must enter the cells of other human beings. Once they enter the body, they consume the cells machinery to make copies of themselves. The common viruses in our daily lives are Rhinoviruses are an assembly of viruses that are responsible for the common cold, sore throat, headache, and a stuffy or runny nose. A person can be affected by a rhinovirus by inhaling contaminated droplets from the cough or sneeze of an affected person. Similarly, rhinoviruses are transmitted by people contacting their eyes, nose, or mouth after contacting things or surfaces that have the virus. Influenza viruses are the viruses that affect the respiratory system with the symptoms of sore throat, cough, headaches, fatigue, fever, runny nose, and, body aches. HIV is the virus that affects the immune system with symptoms like coughs, headaches, fatigue, fever, and sore throats. A person can diminish HIV as a result of contact with blood or other body fluids comprising the virus. One way a person can be diagnosed with HIV is by having an HIV test, due to the loss of immunity. This makes the person susceptible to other infections and diseases.

Bacteria are minute, distinct celled organisms. They exist in almost every environment on earth, including inside the human body. Many bacteria are harmless, and some even help the body function. Moreover, bacteria can also lead to infections that damage the body. Some of the various types of bacterial infection include:Salmonella and Escherichia coli (E. coli) are two dissimilar types of bacteria that can contaminate the digestive system. They are typically spread through contaminated foods, such as meats, and unwashed fruits and vegetables. Some symptoms of these infections include like abdominal cramps, fever, headache, and diarrhea. Some communicable diseases cause only minor symptoms that disappear without treatment.

Author Info

Catherine Bereda*
Department of Community Medicine, Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Karnataka, India

Received: 02-Dec-2021 Published: 28-Dec-2021

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