Impact of Trichoderma sp. in Agriculture: A Mini-Review

Journal of Biology and Today's World

ISSN - 2322-3308

Review - (2020) Volume 9, Issue 7

Impact of Trichoderma sp. in Agriculture: A Mini-Review

Sandesh Thapa1*, Neha Rai2, Anka Kumari Limbu1 and Aparna Joshi1
*Correspondence: Sandesh Thapa, Gokuleshwor Agriculture and Animal Science College, Tribhuwan University, Kirtipur, Nepal, Email:

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Trichoderma is one of the economically important microorganisms from farmer fields to industries. This paper focuses on the economic importance of Trichoderma in agricultural systems which is accessed by about 50 research and review papers previously published. Trichoderma is effective to use as a biocontrol in various fungal pathogens and some of the bacterial pathogen. Five species of Trichoderma are reported in this paper for their different activities as a biofertilizer, biopesticide, and bioremediation. Trichoderma viridae is one of the most used commercialized products found in Nepal and Trichoderma harzianum is the fungus with a broad range of benefits in agriculture. Though the use of Trichoderma species is reported its commercialization and use in the farmer's field is still lacking. Thus, the focus should be given for the use of Trichoderma in farmers' field through Farmer field trial.


Agrochemicals, Bacillus subtilis, Biopesticide, Pathogenic microorganism.


Trichoderma is a genus of fungus belongs to family Hypocreaceae and comprises more than 100 species [1]. Among much of the Trichoderma sp. (T. viridae, T. haziarum, T. atroviridae, T. asperellum) very few are reported to be useful as a biocontrol [2]. Trichoderma colonizes the root surface or cortex and proliferates best when there are abundant healthy roots [3]. The use of Trichoderma tends to be beneficial as it is reported to reduce fertilizer dose, pesticide ration in the crop field, and enhances yield [4-7]. However, the application of the recommended dosage is required because hyper concentration leads to toxicity in foods [8].

Nowadays, pests, diseases, and chemical pollution in the agriculture field is todays serious threat affecting productivity and the sustainable nature of agriculture. The microorganisms reported have shown a significant effect on soil health [9] and crop performance [6,7,10,11]. Nepal is an Agricultural country where about 65% of total people are involved in agriculture [12]. But the major constraints like pests, diseases, insects, and their application beyond recommended dosage are affecting productivity and soil health [12,13]. However, the use of Trichoderma sp. in the crop field is reported to have a significant effect on yield and maintaining soil micro floral population [14]. Also, it suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms by enzymatic activities [15]. Though Nepal is an agricultural country, the healthy production of agricultural products is lacking due to chemical pollution by using fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Thus, this study aims at presenting the importance of different Trichoderma species in soil and their significance after the inoculation of effective strain in respective fields.

Trichoderma and Its Interaction With Microorganism

Trichoderma sp. are used for different purposes in agriculture crop production. Trichoderma interacts with other microorganisms, but mainly with pathogenic fungi [1,16]. These interactions include hyperparasitism, competition, and antibiosis [17]. The competition for food, nutrients, and space by modifying environmental conditions suppressed the activity of other fungi [18]. Various literatures regarding Trichoderma sp. to combat with plant pathogenic microorganisms like Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium ultimum, and Botrytis cinerea [19]. Details of the resistance offered by Trichoderma sp. are presented in (Table 1). However, the interaction of Trichoderma viridae with beneficial microorganisms like azotobacter, rhizobium has been reported. Trichoderma suppressed the activity of azotobacter in maize [10]. The combination of T.hamatum and host-specific Rhizobium sp of V. mungo found significantly effective in enhancing the growth and biochemical makeup of V. mungo [5]. The application of Trichoderma spp. In soil has not only provided resistance to different fungal diseases but also has improved the nutrient and fruit quality [11,16,20,21]. The mycoparasitic also have demonstrated that these fungi produce a rich mixture of antifungal enzymes, including chitinases and β-1,3 glucanases. The genes encoding the enzymes proved to be capable of producing transgenic plants resistant to diseases and the enzymes are beneficial for biological control [16].

Crops Trichoderma Pathogen References
Beans T. asperellum S. sclerotium [22]
T. atroviridae F. graminiarum and R. solani [22]
Cucumber T.asperellum Pseudomonas syringae [23]
T. haumatum Phytophthora capsici [24]
Strawberry T. harzianum S. sclerotiorum, [25], [26]
R. solani,
Botrytis cinerea, and Mucor piriformis
Tomato T. harzianum Meloidogyne javanica, [27], [28]
Fusarium spp
Trichoderma sp. Ralstonia sp. [13]
Potato T. viridae F. oxysporium, [14], [28]
Phytophthora infestans
Maize T.harzianum T.viride P. Notatum, R. solani, Alterneria alternata [29]
Mushroom T. viridae Rhizopus stolonifer [30]
Rice T. viridae R. solani [31]
T. harzianum Fusarium spp. [32]
Ginger T. harzianum P. aphanidermatum [33]
Grapes T. viridae, T. harzianum Penicillum expansum, Fusarium moniliforme, B.subtilli [34]

Table 1: Resistance offered by Trichoderma sp. against different pathogens.

Trichoderma as A Biofertilizer

Trichoderma is widely used as a bio-fertilizer almost for all crops with or without amendments [35]. Trichoderma was reported high to be used in vegetable production and was most effective in tomato [11,36].  However, a positive response was also recorded from other crops like groundnut, cotton, wheat, tobacco, Bengal gram, brinjal, sugarcane, eggplant, red gram, banana, tomato, sugarbeet, chilies, potato, soybean, citrus, cauliflower, onion, peas, and sunflower [37]. The role of Trichoderma in improving crop yield and performance was achieved mainly by the ability to degrade complex organic compounds present in the soil. Complex organic compounds were made available to plants in the simpler form so that it could be absorbed [20]. The so-called Trichoderma are either present naturally in soil or effective strain of Trichoderma are added to soil or inoculated in seed as per the crop (Table 2). The seed inoculated fungus should not be treated with chemical fungicides after inoculation and should be applied in moist soil as adequate moisture is required for its survival and multiplication [37]. However, soil application of Trichoderma is also beneficial but not as much as seed inoculated Trichoderma [6]. The requirement of chemical fertilizer rate can be reduced by the application of Trichoderma and the good response has been recorded on the application of Trichoderma with compost/ FYM or organic manure rather than industrial fertilizers [5,6,20,36,37]. Due to the antifungal activity of Trichoderma spp. fungicide treatment in the soil is substituted, and also maintain soil health and sustainable farming [20].

Biofertilizer Crop Mode of application Yield References
Trichoderma asperellum Rice Seed inoculation Increased by 30% [38]
T. harzianum Mustard and tomato Inoculation in soil 50% N and Trichoderma enriched increased yield by 108 and 203% over control. [36], [11], [39]
Cucumber Inoculation in soil N/A but improved fruit quality and crop growth [40]
Chilli Inoculation in soil Increase in yield by 11 q/ha than that of control(58 q/ha) [41]
Barley Seed inoculation Increase in yield by 17% [42]
T. viridae Wheat Soil and seed inoculation 75.8% with NPK and by 41.8% with FYM. [6]
Potato Inoculation in soil 16.25 tubers/plant than that of control 2.25 tubers/plant [14]
Red beet
Seed inoculation Increased by 29% [43]

Table 2: Trichoderma as a biofertilizer and mode of application.

Bioremediation by Trichoderma SP.

The use of Trichoderma and some other microorganisms in soil are reported to degrade the chemical contaminants present in the soil. Bioremediation and phytoremediation in association with microbes are innovative technologies having the potential to alleviate various soil pollution problems. The genus Trichoderma is genetically very diverse with a variety of capabilities among various strains with agricultural and industrial significance [44]. The potential Trichoderma alleviates contaminants by acting upon chemicals, metal contaminants by the activity of various enzymes and improves the physical and chemical properties of soil [45,46]. Heavy metal contaminants like Ni, Cd, Zn, Pb, As has been tolerated and accumulated by Trichoderma sp. [45,47]. Agrochemicals application in intensive cultivation has accumulated the contaminants and degrading the soil health and crop performance. Trichoderma inoculation in soil has reported to degrade the chemical pollutants and make nutrients available to plants from those agrochemicals too [45]. Some of the agrochemicals bioremediation evidence has been presented in Table 3.

S.No Agro-chemical category Microorganisms References
1. Organophosphate pesticide dichlorvos T. atroviridae [48]
2. PGPR in metal-contaminated soil T. harziunum [49]
3. Pesticide-polyresistance Cyanide Trichoderma spp. [50]
4. Soil and water pollutants Trichoderma spp. [51]
5. Heavy metals, organometallic compounds, agrochemicals, tannery effluents, and harmful chemicals like cyanide Trichoderma spp. [52]
6. Agrochemicals viz. DDT, dieldrin, endosulfan, Penta-chloro-nitro-benzene, and Penta-chloro-phenol T. harziunum [53]
7. Chlorpyrifos and photodieldrin (pesticides) T. harziunum [54]

Table 3: Bioremediation offered by Trichoderma species.


Trichoderma is one of the beneficial micro-organisms in the agro-ecosystem which influences soil health and crop performance. Its antagonistic feature with plant pathogenic micro-organisms makes it more reliable for use in the agriculture field. However, its use is not limited to anti-pathogenic activity but also acts as biofertilizer, plant growth promoter, bioremediation, and increase in crop yield both biological and economic yield. Thus, the use of Trichoderma should be promoted as it promises for sustainable agriculture by reducing the use of harmful chemicals in the agriculture field.


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Author Info

Sandesh Thapa1*, Neha Rai2, Anka Kumari Limbu1 and Aparna Joshi1
1Gokuleshwor Agriculture and Animal Science College, Tribhuwan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
2G.P. Koirala College of Agriculture and Research Center, Purw Anchal University, Biratnagar, Nepal

Received: 02-May-2020 Published: 24-May-2020

Copyright: �© 2020 Thapa S, et al. This is an open access paper distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Journal of Biology and Todays World is published by Lexis Publisher.