New opportunity for Ovarian Cancer Biology

European Journal of Clinical Oncology

ISSN - 2732-2654

Short Communication - (2022) Volume 4, Issue 1

New opportunity for Ovarian Cancer Biology

George Brown*
*Correspondence: George Brown, Editorial office, European Journal of Clinical Oncology, India, Email:

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Ovarian cancer is the world's sixth most frequent cancer in females, and it kills more women each year than any other cancer of the female reproductive system. The origin of this disease is poorly understood, considering its high incidence and fatality rates. Age and having a family history of the disease are known risk factors for ovarian cancer, while increasing parity, oral contraceptive use, and oophorectomy are known protective factors. Lactation, incomplete pregnancies, and ovarian cancer operations including hysterectomy and tubal ligation may have a minor protective effect. Dysfunction may increase the risk of ovarian cancer in nulliparous women. Post-menopausal hormone replacement treatment, as well as lifestyle factors such as cigarette smoking and alcohol intake, are all possible risk factors for ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer has a variety of causes, many of which have yet to be discovered. To better understand the genesis of this lethal disease, more research is required.


Ovarian cancer, Biology, Epidemiological factors, History of Diagnostic Evaluation


In the industrialised world, epithelial ovarian cancer is the fourth most prevalent cause of death among women death globally. The high death rate is due to the disease's late appearance in most cases, which indicates that it has spread throughout the abdomen. However, a substantial percentage of women with advanced cancer achieve a full response with contemporary care, the majority of those who come with progressive disease will experience recurrence within 18 months. For some patients, periodic retreatment with platinum-based chemotherapy keeps the tumour alive and well, allowing them to live a relatively normal life free of severe complaints until chemoresistance limits their options for treatment. The treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer necessitates skills in surgery, chemotherapy, imaging, histology, and palliation, as well as professional multidisciplinary teamwork. Epithelial ovarian tumors have a wide range of histology, and each category of epithelial ovarian cancer has genetic alterations that are being studied for their ability to predict the efficiency of molecularly targeted therapy. The medium-term outlook for women with ovarian cancer is significantly better than it was previously, with an overall survival rate of around 40% at detection and the ongoing discovery of novel therapeutics [1].

The maximum rates of epithelial ovarian cancer are seen in Europe, the United States, and Israel, whereas the lowest rates are found in Japan and underdeveloped countries. People are on average 60 years old, with a mortality prevalence of one in 70 for women in advanced nations. Although an identifiable genetic susceptibility (typically germline BRCA1/ BRCA2 mutations) is evident in just 10%-15% of patients, a strong family history of ovarian or breast cancer is by far the most important predictor. Around 1985, research suggests that the prevalence of epithelial ovarian cancer has decreased in developed nations across all age categories and non-Hispanic ethnic groups. In the last 3 centuries, median survival in people with advanced-stage illness has also increased. We found an improved performance in median ovarian cancer-specific sustenance time of 8 months in women with stage III disease among 1988 and 2004 in an analysis of Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End-Results information [2]. Ovarian tumours are very diverse at the cellular and molecular levels. The typical ovary is a complicated tissue made up of several different parts. Despite the fact that ovarian cancers can emerge from germ cells or granulosa–theca cells, upwards of 90% of ovarian cancers have an epithelial histological and are likely to arise from cells that cover the ovarian surface or line subterranean exclusion cysts [3]. The three primary forms of ovarian cancer are epithelial (the most frequent), germ cell, and sex-cord-stromal, with the latter two accounting for only around 5% of all ovarian malignancies. Epithelial ovarian cancer is divided into four histologic subtypes: serous, endometrioid, mucinous, and clear cell. HighGrade Serous Carcinomas (HGSC) and Low-Grade Severe Carcinomas (LGSC) are two types of serous tumours (LGSC). HGSCs account for 70% to 80% of all epithelial ovarian cancer subtypes, while LGSCs make up less than 5%. Endometrioid, mucinous, and clear cell subtypes each account for 10%, 3%, and 10% of all cases, significantly [4].

Whereas ovarian cancer was originally thought to be a singular entity, it may now be split into multiple histological subtypes with distinct risk factors, cells of origin, molecular makeup, clinical features, and therapies. Epithelial malignancies, which account for 90% of ovarian cancers and include serous, endometrioid, clear-cell, and mucinous carcinomas, are among these histological subgroups. The most prevalent kind of serous carcinoma is elevated serous carcinoma. Reduced endometrioid carcinoma and Low-Grade Serous Carcinoma (LGSC) are histologically and physiologically distinct from their high-grade counterparts; HGSC is identical to high-grade endometrioid carcinoma. Smallcell carcinoma (an aggressive cancer that primarily affects younger women, with a median age at diagnosis of 25 years), which has an unknown tissue origin, and carcinosarcoma are two further rarer histologies (also an aggressive cancer). This Primer does not cover non-epithelial ovarian malignancies, such as germ-cell tumours and sex cord stromal tumours, which account for about 10% of all ovarian cancers [5].

The molecular mechanisms that initiate and promote carcinogenesis in ovarian cancer, which arises from the celomic epithelium that covers the ovarian surface, are yet unclear. Although medicinal and surgical advances, long-term survival rates for individuals with advanced cancer remain dismal, owing to our failing to recognize tumours at a preliminary phase. A thorough grasp of epithelial ovarian cancer risk factors may make primary prevention, screening, and early diagnosis easier. The following are some of the epidemiological factors linked to epithelial ovarian cancer such as: Age, Genetic characteristics, Hormonal factors, Environment factors and Family history.

• Age: Epithelial ovarian cancer is a condition that affects women in their forties and fifties. Ovarian cancer is uncommon before the age of 40, apart from inherited types of the disease.

• Genetic characteristics: On a type C basis, 5%-10% of all epithelial ovarian malignancies are caused by a hereditary predisposition, and three unique forms have been discovered.

• Hormonal factors: Exogenous hormone therapy for menopauserelated problems has been linked to a higher probability of ovarian cancer incidence and mortality.

• Environment factors: The incidence of ovarian cancer varies significantly by geography and ethnicity. In the developed countries of North America and Europe, the percentages are maximum for Caucasian women’s.

Family history: A family background of ovarian cancer is among the most important known risk factors. About 7% of women with ovarian cancer had a significant family history of the disease, according to estimates. First-degree relatives of ovarian cancer probands have a three- to seven-fold greater risk, especially if numerous families are involved and the disease is detected early in life [6].

• While ovarian cancer cells largely spread within the peritoneal cavity and are only superficially invasive, their biology varies from those of hematogenously metastasizing tumours. Ovarian carcinoma, on the other hand, is a fatal illness with a therapeutic efficacy of only 30% because the quickly expanding tumours squeeze visceral organs and are only temporarily chemosensitive. Ovarian cancer cell transition is caused by a multitude of genetic and epigenetic alterations. Ovarian cancer can arise from the ovary's surface, the fallopian tube, or the mesothelium-lined peritoneal cavity, among other places. Ovarian cacinoma carcinogenesis then either follows a stepwise mutation procedure from a slow-growing borderline tumour to a welldifferentiated carcinoma (type I) or involves a genetically unstable high-grade serous carcinoma that spreads quickly (type II). Ovarian cancer cells go through an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition during carcinogenesis, which involves changes in cadherin and integrin expression as well as activation of proteolytic pathways [7].

History of Diagnostic Evaluation

Due to various nonspecific symptoms, diagnosing ovarian cancer could be challenging. In children and adolescence, the most frequent clinical symptom is stomach pain, while other symptoms such as precocious puberty, irregular menses, or hirsutism may also be present. For more than six months before being diagnosed with ovarian cancer, patients may experience abdominal discomfort, edoema, or nonspecific digestive problems. One of commonest frequent symptom preceding diagnosis of ovarian cancer, according to one study of Medicare claims in women over the age of 68, was stomach pain. Women were also more likely to receive abdominal imaging than pelvic imaging or cancer antigen (CA) 125 testing, according to this study. These findings highlight the need of including ovarian cancer in the differential diagnosis of postmenopausal women with unresolved stomach complaints [8]. Other factors such as Parity and infertility, Lactatio, Benign gynecologic conditions and gynecologic surgery, Oral contraceptives and other forms of contraception, Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), Obesity, Diet and nutrition, Exercise and physical activity, Cigarette smoking, Asbestos and talcum powder, Alcohol consumption, Drug use also cause cancer in womens [9].

Prevention and Early Detection

The most useful approach for ovarian cancer protection and early treatment is the identification of patients who are at a greater hereditary risk. About 70% of women with high-grade serous ovarian cancer are detected at an advanced stage, and their outcomes are significantly inferior than those who are diagnosed early. The bad prognosis in advanced-stage cancer is due to at least two variables: the degree of disease, and hence the ability to surgically remove the tumour, and variations in the physiology of tumours that remain restricted to the pelvic region versus those that spread broadly. The goal of early detection testing should be to find the antecedents of advanced-stage high-grade serous ovarian tumours. Patients with low-grade stage I/II serous tumours with activated RAS pathway alterations should not be tested because these are not often progenitors to elevated secretory tumours. As a result of this shift in thinking about the fallopian tube's function in ovarian cancer, some clinicians now propose that only the fallopian tubes be excised (salpingectomy) in women with hereditary BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations or a strong family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer34. Nevertheless, the experts felt it was premature to recommend that only the fallopian tubes be excised in high-risk females until more extensive comparison data was available [10].

Also considering risk factors for these tumours are better investigated, the explanations for the rise remain unknown. The majority of sex-cord stromal (64%) and germ cell (57%) cancers are diagnosed at stage I, with 98 percent and 99 percent 5-year cause-specific survival, correspondingly. Even with stage IV cancer, survival rates for these tumours are still rather high, at 41% and 69%, correspondingly. Incorporating targeted anti-angiogenic treatment with bevacizumab and weekly dose-dense chemotherapy into first-line ovarian treating cancer can enhance survival, according to phase III clinical trials. Both of these techniques can thus be regarded as a new quality of practice. They do, however, have very different economic implications and inflict various loads on individuals (greater toxicity and treatment intensity) [11].


According to reductions in incidence and advancements in therapy in recent decades, ovarian cancer mortality has reduced by more than 30% since the mid-1970s. Despite this, due to the prevalence of severe high-grade serous carcinomas and the lack of distinct early signs and effective early detection measures, fewer than half of women live beyond 5 years after diagnosis. Notably, high-grade serous carcinoma risk factors are largely unknown, thwarting preventative attempts.


Author Info

George Brown*
Editorial office, European Journal of Clinical Oncology, India

Citation: Brown G. New opportunity for Ovarian Cancer Biology. Eur J Clin Oncol, 2022, 4(1), 014-015.

Received: 11-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. EJCO-22-52013; Editor assigned: 14-Jan-2022, Pre QC No. EJCO-22-52013 (PQ); Reviewed: 17-Jan-2022, QC No. EJCO-22-52013 (Q); Revised: 22-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. EJCO-22-52013(R); Published: 25-Jan-2022, DOI: 10.35248/ clinical-oncology.4(1).14-15

Copyright: 2022 Brown G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.