Precision Medicine and Its Benefits

International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health

ISSN - 1840-4529

Viewpoint - (2021) Volume 13, Issue 12

Precision Medicine and Its Benefits

Catherine Bereda*
*Correspondence: Dr. Catherine Bereda, Department of Community Medicine, Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Karnataka, India, Email:

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Precision medicine is the customization of medical therapy to the unique characteristics of each patient. It does not imply the development of patient-specific pharmaceuticals or medical devices, but rather the ability to divide people into sub-populations based on their susceptibility to a disease, the biology or prognosis of diseases they may grow, or their reaction to a certain therapy. Preventive or therapeutic actions can then be focused on individuals who will benefit, while those who will not be spared the expenditure and negative effects. Although the personalized medicine is also used to express this perception, it is sometimes misinterpreted as indicating that particular therapies may be personalized to each person. Precision medicine frequently entails the use of panomic analysis and systems biology to determine the molecular aetiology of a patient's disease and then using medications (perhaps in combination) to address that patient's disease process. The patient's reaction is then continuously monitored, typically using replacement indicators like tumour weight (rather than genuine outcomes like five-year survival rate), and the treatment is adjusted to the patient's response.

• Precision oncology is the branch of precision medicine that deals with cancer.

• Precision psychiatry is a branch of precision medicine that deals with psychiatric illnesses and mental health.

The exposome, which influences disease processes through the interactome inside the tissue microenvironment, differs from person to person, as does inter-personal variability in molecular pathology. The unique disease principles have emerged as the theoretical basis for precision medicine, including the ubiquitous phenomena of disease aetiology and pathophysiology. The unique disease concept was first explained as a clear tumour principle in neoplastic diseases. Precision medicine is associated with molecular pathological epidemiology, and since exposome is a general term for epidemiology, it can reveal the potential of precision medicine biomarkers.

The availability of molecular tests, such as individual germline DNA sequencing, determines the ability to give precision medicine to patients in routine clinical settings. While precision medicine currently adapts treatment primarily based on genomic tests (e.g., Oncotype DX), a number of stimulating technology modalities are being developed, ranging from spectrometry-based approaches to real-time imaging of drug effects in the body. Many parts of precision medicine are explored in research (e.g., proteome, micro biome), but not all available are working in ordinary practice. Precision medicine's capacity to be practiced is also dependent on the information base available to aid physicians in taking action based on test results. Early studies applying basic precision medicine to cohorts of individuals with undiagnosed disease have generated a diagnosis rate of 35%, with 1 in 5 of the newly identified, regarding changes in therapy. On the treatment side, PM can involve the use of customized medical products such as drug cocktails produced by pharmacy compounding. It can also prevent harmful drug interactions, increase overall efficiency when advising medications, and reduce costs related with healthcare. The benefits from genomics are an important public health consideration, and care is needed to ensure that implementation of genomic medicine does not further entrench social inequity distresses.

Its Benefits

Precision medicine helps healthcare in better understanding the various factors that influence a patient's health, disease, or condition, such as environment, lifestyle, and heredity. This knowledge allows them to better forecast which treatments will be the most successful and safe, as well as how to prevent the sickness from developing in the first place. Furthermore, benefits include shifting the focus of medicine from reaction to prevention, predicting susceptibility to disease, improving disease detection, preempting disease progression, customizing disease prevention strategies, prescribing more effective drugs, avoiding drugs with predictable negative side effects, reducing the time cost, and failure rate of pharmaceutical clinical trials, and eliminating trial-and-error inefficiencies that expand health care costs and injury patient care.

Author Info

Catherine Bereda*
Department of Community Medicine, Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Karnataka, India

Received: 11-Dec-2021 Published: 31-Dec-2021

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