Recent trends in Oncology field

European Journal of Clinical Oncology

ISSN - 2732-2654

Editorial Note - (2020) Volume 2, Issue 2

Recent trends in Oncology field

Osama Mohamed Ahmed*
*Correspondence: Osama Mohamed Ahmed, Department of Zoology, Cairo University, Egypt, Email:

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European journal of clinical oncology (EJCO) is an open access journal which provides a high profile platform to highlight major advance in cancer research. The key aim of EJCO is to provide relevant and latest information about the clinical oncology field. The European journal of clinical oncology seeks to publish high quality, publicly available papers on clinical science. The journal‘s scope covers subject such as cancer biology, chemotherapy, cancer radiology, cancer pathology etc. EJCO also organizes a conference to make people aware of what is happening in the current scenario and how we can utilize correct manner for clinical treatment of cancer. As we know that EJCO is the newly coined journal, I am happy to announce that in 2019 all papers that have published online within the specified timeline in issue 1 and 2 of volume 1.

EJCO does have released and pre-printed the entire issue at the given time period. They have also been released and dispatched within 30 days of the article is published online. EJCO has added several new members of the editorial board this year who are highly qualified and talented in their respective sector. They always guide in their work and give best advice if any problem arise during article processing stages. EJCO accepts all type of manuscripts such as research papers, case reports, review articles, short commentary, mini review editorial etc. There are 1 issues in volume 2 released in the press in 2020 where in issue 1 there are 1 research paper and 1 editorial and 1 editorial note.

As we know EJCO newly coined journal, it is under evolution for indexing by different indexing agencies. A total of 8 papers were submitted by EJCO in 2020, of which more than half were accepted in preliminary screening and the remaining papers were rejected due to high plagiarism or error in last year’s formatting. The papers which are written are of very good quality and images of high resolution often encourage people to read it. EJCO shares the latest updates on their twitter account to let people know what’s going on the field of cancer treatments and their traits, seen on the journal home page. They have all of articles according to the needs and specifications of the current scenario. We are really proud to be part of that.

I would also like to express my appreciation to all the authors, reviewers, the publishers, the EJCO advisory editorial board, the office staff and management also going to release issue that will be appreciable. About 10 articles, only a few of which were open to peer examination. Articles published initially go in to 21 days peer review cycle. Total running time for an article was further shortened to 40-45 days. The paper is released within 7 days of its approval.

I would like to take this time to recognize the contribution of all members of the press during the final edition of the published papers and their assistance in making it a good publishing house. Once again I am very thankful towards journal who gave me this opportunity for describing about this prominent journal.

Author Info

Osama Mohamed Ahmed*
Department of Zoology, Cairo University, Egypt

Citation: Osama Mohamed Ahmed Recent trends in Oncology field Eur J Clin Oncol,2020 2(2),001-001

Received: 21-Jul-2020 Published: 04-Aug-2020

Copyright: © 2020 Ahmed OM. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.