Treatment of Parkinson's Disease

Neurology and Neurorehabilitation

Opinion Article - (2022) Volume 4, Issue 1

Treatment of Parkinson's Disease

Peter Vedsted*
*Correspondence: Peter Vedsted, Editorial office, Neurology and Neurorehabilitation, Germany, Email:

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Parkinson's Disease (PD) was initially described as a "shaking palsy" by Dr. James Parkinson in 1817. It's a long-term, progressive neurodegenerative illness with both motor and nonmotor symptoms. Through its progressive degenerative effects on movement and muscular function, the disease has a substantial clinical impact on patients, families, and carers. Although the presence of nonmotor symptoms suggests neuronal loss in nondopaminergic regions, the loss of striatal dopaminergic neurons is ascribed to the motor symptoms of PD. Parkinson's Disease (PD) is accompanied by a wide range of non-motor symptoms, even though it is still regarded as a paradigmatic movement illness. Apathy, anhedonia, and sadness are examples of mood and affect disorders, as are cognitive dysfunction and hallucinosis, as well as complicated behavioral disorders. Sensory dysfunction, such as hyposmia or discomfort, is nearly common, as are sleep-wake cycle disruptions. The majority of patients have autonomic dysfunction, which includes orthostatic hypotension, urogenital dysfunction, and constipation. Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a degenerative neurological ailment characterized by a wide range of motor and non-motor symptoms that can have varying degrees of influence on function. The term parkinsonism refers to a symptom complex that includes resting tremor, bradykinesia, and muscular rigidity, and is used to define the motor characteristics of nondopaminergic. The varying but noticeable progression of Parkinson's disease has a substantial impact on individuals, families, and society. Advanced and end-stage illness can cause major consequences, such as pneumonia, which is typically fatal. The current treatment focuses on symptom relief. Patients with Parkinson's disease may benefit from a multidisciplinary approach to therapy that involves movement specialists, social workers, pharmacists, and other health care professionals, according to research.

Extrapyramidal System Dysfunction

PD is a disorder of the extrapyramidal system, which includes motor structures of the basal ganglia. It is defined by a decrease in dopaminergic activity and consequently impaired motor function, which leads to clinical symptoms. Excessive or aberrant movement in awake people is a symptom of movement disorders, often known as extrapyramidal illnesses. The pathophysiology of these disorders is linked to damage to or suspected dysfunction of the basal ganglia and associated brainstem and cerebellar connections. Although the presence of nonmotor features supports the involvement of other neurotransmitters from the glutamatergic, cholinergic, serotonergic, and adrenergic systems, as well as the neuromodulators adenosine and enkephalins, research in the late 1950s identified striatal dopamine depletion as the major cause of the motor symptoms of PD. Patients typically suffer motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease only after 50 percent to 80 percent of dopaminergic neurons have died, implying the presence of a compensatory mechanism in the early stages of the disease. The presence of LBs, which are intracellular cytoplasmic aggregates made of proteins, lipids, and other components, is another prominent histological characteristic of PD. LBs have also been recognized as key features of chronic neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease. 45,52 LBs are round bodies with radiating fibrils discovered in dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra in patients with P arkinson's disease.

Diagnosis of parkinson's disease

There is no specific test for parkinson's disease. The differential diagnosis of parkinson's disease should include a comprehensive history and physical examination. Your doctor trained in nervous system conditions (neurologist) will diagnose Parkinson's disease based on your medical history, a review of your signs and symptoms, and a neurological and physical examination. Cases that are difficult or unclear should be referred to a movement disorder specialist for further evaluation. Because there are no definitive tests to confirm the diagnosis of PD, a physician must evaluate the patient's history, assess symptoms, and rule out other illnesses such as multiple-system atrophy, DLB disease, and essential tremor before making a clinical diagnosis. Because it is one of the few reversible causes of PD, Drug-Induced Parkinsonism (DIP) should be included in the differential diagnosis. To prevent treating patients improperly, it is critical to identify DIP, which demands a full pharmacological review in all patients suspected of having PD. Elderly women, patients with multiple comorbidities, and patients taking multiple medications at high doses for long periods are all at risk for DIP. DLB can mimic the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, although patients with DLB generally have concurrent cognitive abnormalities and visual hallucinations. Many additional illnesses resemble Parkinson's disease and may necessitate evaluations by movement disorder experts to confirm the diagnosis. Laboratory tests may also be required to rule out nutritional deficiencies and other abnormalities, such as thyroid illness, as well as toxin testing if the patient's history implies possible exposure. Wilson's illness may also be ruled out by measuring copper and ceruloplasmin levels in the blood. Bedside dopaminergic challenge tests using levodopa or apomorphine are another diagnostic method, albeit some neurologists disagree with their usage.

Nonmotor symptoms

Early symptoms of Parkinson's disease might be mild, such as difficulties getting out of a chair, and can appear in up to 90% of people. Nonmotor symptoms may be misconstrued as a result of normal aging or other comorbidities, causing the diagnosis to be delayed. The early disease phase lasts on average four to six years and may involve nonmotor symptoms, as previously described. Other clinical indications, such as thermoregulatory failure, may appear as the disease advances. In addition to cold intolerance, thermoregulatory disorders can involve excessive perspiration. Some individuals may experience nociceptive (musculoskeletal) and neuropathic pain in the early or late phases of the disease. While non-motor symptoms grow more common as the disease progresses, many of them, such as sadness, hyposmia, and rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, can appear before the onset of motor symptoms Receptor-Binding Domain (RBD). Although the exact clinicopathological correlations for most of these non-motor features are still unknown, the presence of constipation, RBD, or hyposmia before the onset of clinically overt motor dysfunction would appear to be consistent with Braak and colleagues' ascending hypothesis of PD pathology. Screening these early non-motor signs could thus be one route to a 'preclinical' diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease has a variety of non-motor symptoms-pain, fatigue, low blood pressure, restless legs, bladder and bowel problems, skin and sweating, sleep, eating, swallowing and saliva control.


Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive neurological illness with both motor and nonmotor symptoms. Resting tremor, "cogwheel" rigidity, and bradykinesia are among the disorder's motor symptoms, which are caused by dopamine depletion in the striatum. Sleep disturbances, sadness, and cognitive abnormalities are examples of nonmotor symptoms.


There are no conclusive tests to confirm a diagnosis of parkinson's disease. The UPDRS is the most widely used scale for measuring PD patients' clinical condition. The major goal in the treatment of Parkinson's disease is to improve the patient's overall quality of life by treating the disorder's symptomatic motor and nonmotor aspects. There are no treatments that can halt the progression of the disease or provide neuroprotection.

Author Info

Peter Vedsted*
Editorial office, Neurology and Neurorehabilitation, Germany

Citation: Vedsted P. Treatment of Parkinson's Disease. Neurol Neurorehabilit. 2022, 4 (1), 009-0010.

Received: 15-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. NNR-22- 52016; Editor assigned: 17-Jan-2022, Pre QC No. NNR-22-52016(PQ); Reviewed: 19-Jan-2022, QC No. NNR-22-52016(Q); Revised: 23-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. NNR-22- 52016(R); Published: 28-Jan-2022, DOI: 10.37532/nnr.4.1.1-2

Copyright: © 2022 Vedsted P. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.