Aleena Sunny
Sagar Hospital,
Tilaknagar, Bangalore
Research Article
A Study to Assess and Correlate the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Vaccination among Mothers with Educational Status in a Teaching Hospital in South India
Author(s): Aleena Sunny, Sambhu Rameh and Binai K ShankarAleena Sunny, Sambhu Rameh and Binai K Shankar
Introduction: Childhood immunization almost guarantees protection from several diseases. Since mothers are the important health decision makers of their child, their knowledge, attitude and practice regarding immunization and their educational status in general have a great impact in the immunization status of their children.Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess mothers, knowledge, attitude and practice of immunization and to make a correlation between these factors and vaccination status of their child. This study also aims to establish a relation between educational level of mothers and immunization status of their child.Methodology: The study was conducted in a teaching hospital in a socioeconomically backward part of Bangalore, Karnataka. Mothers who came to the outpatient department of hospital to va.. View More»