Ali MM
Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences Group, Space Applications Centre,
Review Article
Importance of Ocean Heat Content for Cyclone Studies
Author(s): Neerja Sharma and Ali MMNeerja Sharma and Ali MM
The physical process involved from formation to dissipation of any cyclone is very complex in nature. Thus, accurate and timely prediction of cyclone intensity and track still remain as challenging scientific problems. Though presently available cyclone prediction models have improved our understanding about many physical processes from cyclone formation to dissipation, some are still unresolved. The input parameters that used into the models as a source of energy for the cyclones need to be reconsidered. Model estimate the energy for cyclones as latent heat release through evaporation computed using only Sea Surface Temperature (SST). However, the energy in the ocean for cyclone is available in the upper layers of the oceans rather than in the skin layer represented by SST. Therefore we examined the importance of heat content of the upper ocean in estimating four important aspects of.. View More»