Betty SH Chan
Case Report
Intermittent Haemodialysis in Lamotrigine Poisoning
Author(s): Therese Becker, Angela L Chiew and Betty SH ChanTherese Becker, Angela L Chiew and Betty SH Chan
Lamotrigine poisoning is usually benign causing only mild to moderate neurological and cardiovascular effects. However, there have been case reports of lamotrigine poisoning leading to intractable seizures, sudden cardiovascular collapse and death. It has not been clear if haemodialysis can effectively remove lamotrigine. We provide pharmacokinetic data on a large lamotrigine overdose that was managed with intermittent haemodialysis.
We present a case of a 23-year-old (90 kg) female who presented to hospital 2 hours post ingestion of 17.8 g of lamotrigine and 9 g of quetiapine. Her initial Electrocardiogram (ECG) showed a sinus tachycardia with normal intervals. Over time this progressed to a right bundle branch pattern progressive QRS widening and T wave changes. She was commenced on Continuous Veno-Venous Heamodiafiltration Therapy (CVVHDF) but the circuit clotted. Eleven ho.. View More»