Campi S
Research Article
Self-Management Support (SMS) from a Chronic Disease Worker in a Rural Primary Health Service, a Pilot Study
Author(s): Ervin K, Koschel A and Campi SErvin K, Koschel A and Campi S
Abstract The benefits of self-management in chronic disease have been proven and are a recommendation by the peak body for primary care in Australia. In a region of rural Victoria Self-Management Support (SMS) programs have had limited success due to a lack of implementation by trained staff? In this study a small rural health service trained and supported staff to provide SMS care and evaluated the effect compared to usual general medical practitioner (GP) care. All clients (over the age of 18) allocated a GP care plan at local consenting medical clinics and those receiving SMS care at the rural health service were invited to participate in a survey using the Patient Assessment of Care for Chronic Conditions survey (PACIC). The PACIC is a brief, validated patient self-report instrument to assess the extent to which clients with chronic illness report care that is patient-centred, pro.. View More»