Carli L Roulston
Department of Medicine,St Vincent’s Hospital,Australia.
Dr Roulston completed a PhD at Monash University in 2001 where she then commenced post-doctoral studies in stroke research with Prof Bevyn Jarrott adn Dr Jennifer Callaway. Roulston was recruited to the Howard Florey Institute under the leadership of Prof Greg Dusting in 2002 with support from Neuroscience Victoria, to conduct commercial research evaluating the effects of novel flavonoid compounds in recovery from stroke in rats. These studies lead to the establishment of a start-up company (NeuProtect P/L) with a BIF grant making an International Patent application in 2005 and subsequent capital raising approximately $15 million to progress to Phase I clinical trial.
Research interests are -Targeting astrogliosis and brain stimulation after stroke to promote plasticity and functional recovery (Research Gift) awarded by BRAIN FOUNDATION .