Gbedemah ST
Accra, Greater Accra
Research Article
Current Patterns in Intertidal Macro-Algal Diversity and Zonation of Two Sites on Ghana’s Coast
Author(s): Gbedemah STGbedemah ST
In this study, the various floral species of two sites were surveyed for Macroalgal composition and floral zonation. No such study has been conducted for specific Ghanaian rocky shores such as Prampram and Takoradi, although more generalized studies are available concerning the coastal ecology of Ghana as a whole. Quadrat sampling was done to determine floral composition and distribution. Floral zonation was studied to investigate a discernable gradient in ecological health. The study focused on two similar rocky intertidal areas, 230 km apart, at Takoradi and Prampram, both in Ghana. Four belt transects were randomly laid from the lower to upper shores of each site and along which a continuous quadrat (1 m2) was placed to estimate species percentage cover (macroalgae). The species data was standardized before submitted to statistical analyses. Also two replicate water samples were ta.. View More»