Ji Young Hwang
Research Article
Prognosis Predictors of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease among the Hospitalized Patients
Author(s): Min Hee Lee, Ji Young Hwang, Jong Woo Back, Du Sik Kong, Geun Ho Lee and Seung Hun SongMin Hee Lee, Ji Young Hwang, Jong Woo Back, Du Sik Kong, Geun Ho Lee and Seung Hun Song
Introduction: Serious reproductive health consequences linked to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) include infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Thus, it is important to identify patients likely to have a poor prognosis in choosing the best initial treatment. The aim of our study was to identify the valuable prognosis predictors of PID among the hospitalized patients and determined cut off values of quantitative independent prognosis predictors.
Material and methods: Hospital records for women hospitalized with PID were retrospectively examined. The PID patients were divided into two sub-groups according to their clinical outcome. Prognostic factors were evaluated by T-test, χ2-test, and logistic regression analysis. The cut-off values of age, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and ESR combined with CRP were calc.. View More»