Kababa Temesgen
Research Article
Determinants of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives Use among Child
Bearing Age Women in Dendi District, Western Ethiopia
Author(s): Abraham Sahilemichael, Kababa Temesgen and GemechukejelaAbraham Sahilemichael, Kababa Temesgen and Gemechukejela
Background: Since 1966, Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia (FGAE) started modern family planning in Ethiopia; even though the contraceptive prevalence rate/CPR/remain 28.6%. Ethiopia is the 2nd most populous country in Africa with it fast population growth rate. Every year 1million unwanted pregnancy, 3400 abortion, 130,000 infant deaths and more than 6800 women die during child birth. So, long term family planning is vital approach to halt problems arising from fast population growth and complication related with pregnancy. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the determinants of long acting reversible contraceptive utilization among child bearing age women in Dendi district. Methods: Institution based cross sectional study was conducted among child bearing age women cameto family planning unit of Dendi district health centers, western Ethiopia from May to June 2013. A tot.. View More»