Khalid Eltahir Khalid
Slovak republic
Research Article
Toxicity Effects of Hair Dye Application on Liver Function in Experimental Animals
Author(s): Ehab Ibrahim Salih El-Amin, Mohammed Abd AL Rahim GahElnabi, Waled Amen Mohammed Ahmed, Ragaa Gasim Ahmed and Khalid Eltahir KhalidEhab Ibrahim Salih El-Amin, Mohammed Abd AL Rahim GahElnabi, Waled Amen Mohammed Ahmed, Ragaa Gasim Ahmed and Khalid Eltahir Khalid
Objective: This study was conducted to assess the hair dye toxicity by using hair dye among experimental rats in order to verify the biochemical and haematological abnormalities and liver dysfunction. Methods: Albino Wistar Rats were obtained from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Khartoum– Sudan. The rats were divided into two batches on the basis of using the commercial hair dye as oral or subcutaneous administration respectively; each batch has four groups (control and three test groups) each comprising six rats. Batch-1 (group-2, 3, and 4 orally administered with 10, 20, and 30mg/kg body weight of the commercial hair dye, respectively); and Batch-2 (group-2, 3, and 4 subcutaneously administered with 10, 20, and 30 mg/kg body weight of the commercial hair dye, respectively). Results: The clinical features were shown in all rats batches, administered orally or subcutaneou.. View More»