Journal of Women's Health Care

ISSN - 2167-0420

Kiran G

Kiran G


  • Case Report
    A Case of a Ruptured Cornual In vitro Fertilization Pregnancy
    Author(s): Ulu I, Turkmen SB and Kiran GUlu I, Turkmen SB and Kiran G

    Cornual pregnancy is the most dangerous type of ectopic pregnancies but fortunately it occupies 2-4% of them. Its mortality rate is 6-7 times higher than that in all ectopic pregnancies. We reported a case of a uterine rupture in a 10 week cornual pregnancy. A 40 years old woman, gravida 2, para 1 was admitted to our emergency service with the complaint of an acute onset abdominal pain of about 6 hours duration. She was known to be in her 10th weeks of gestation after in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer. On examination, a severe degree of pallor, with a pulse of 104 bpm and a blood pressure of 70/40 mm of Hg was detected. Pelvic ultrasonography showed a thickened endometrium and an empty uterine cavity. In the right cornual fetus with a crown-rump length of 10 weeks of gestation was detected with a positive heart rate. The abdomen was filled with blood and blood clots. Th.. View More»

    DOI: 10.4172/2167-0420.1000329

    Abstract PDF

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