Kohei Hamada
Case Report
Characteristics and Treatment of Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures after Stroke:
Case Report and Literature Review
Author(s): Takako Nagai, Toshihiro Arao, Kohei Hamada and Naoko ShindoTakako Nagai, Toshihiro Arao, Kohei Hamada and Naoko Shindo
Stroke patients tend to fall easily in the chronic stage due to aprosexia and poor dynamic balance; they have a 2-4 times higher incidence of fractures than healthy persons. In addition, decreased bone density is found in stroke patients, and the risk of collapsed osteoporotic vertebra is high. Therefore, treatment of osteoporosis is needed in chronic stroke patients with dysfunction because it improves patients’ functional prognosis to perform rehabilitation, which decreases the risk of falls and fractures The course of re-acquiring activities of daily living (ADL) and the characteristics of stroke patients in the chronic stage with a collapsed osteoporotic vertebra were examined... View More»