MI Nogueira
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Dr. MI Nogueira is an Associate Prof at Institute of Biomedical Sciences in University of São Paulo-Br, Department of Anatomy, Laboratory of Neurosciences. She is a board member of the Science Museum - USP.
She worked as coordinator of MAH- Museum of Human Anatomy Professor. She was Vice-Director of Science Center-Estação Ciência PRCEU - USP (2010-2012)Alfonso Bovero (2012-2013). CNPq Researcher, Vice President Association Friends of Science Center (2012- ), Assistant Secretary Society for the Progress of Science, Technology and Innovation-SBPC (2013 - ), Coordinator CCExU - BMA (2012- ). Biociencias concluded at the Institute of the University of Sao Paulo the BA: Small (1977 ) and Fuller ( 1979), Bachelor (1988 ), MSc (1983 ) and Ph.D. (1987 ) in Science: Department of Animal Physiology. Post doctorate in neurophysiology at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (1990, 1992, 1995 ). PhD in Neurobiology College of Arts and Science, New York University ( 2004- PDE CNPq ).
She was an Associate Prof in ICB - USP (2006). She was M ember: Brazilian Neuroscience and Behavior Society; Society for Neuroscience and Hands on Science Association. Volunteer in AMNH - American Museum of Natural History, NY ( 2002-2005) . Artist Plastica AIAP - UNESCO SINAPESP reg.1906/2007-08; Member of the Center for Performing Arts of Science Center, Vice - President of the Association Friends railway Sciences (2010), Vice - Coord Center for Neuroscience and Behavior (2010- ). Advisor in the MSc and PhD Programs: Neuroscience and Behavior, IP-USP and Morphofunctional Sciences ICB - USP. Research: 1 ) neural system involved in reflexes and biological rhythms: and 2 ) Education and Dissemination/Public Understanding of Science / Neuroscience: investigative approach and interdisciplinary.
Developmental Biology
Western Blot
Medical Neurosciences
Neurobiology and Brain Physiology