Miroslava Gonçalves
Case Report
Regression of Large Infantile Multifocal Hepatic Hemangioma after Propranolol
Author(s): Sara Lobo, Ana Paula Martins and Miroslava GonçalvesSara Lobo, Ana Paula Martins and Miroslava Gonçalves
Recent literature describes several cases of successful response of infantile liver hemangioma to propranolol treatment. Some multifocal hepatic hemangioma can involve a massive area of the liver in children and carry a high risk of development of cardiovascular compromise, requiring a fast approach and monitoring. This case report describes a 3-months infant with a very large multifocal hepatic hemangioma for whom was proposed to start propranolol. Treatment was completed in a 20 months period with no report to side effects and a surprisingly fast response... View More»