Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology

ISSN - 2157-7048


Mohamed N Nounou

Mohamed N Nounou


  • Research Article
    Improved Fault Detection and Process Safety Using Multiscale Shewhart Charts.
    Author(s): M Ziyan Sheriff and Mohamed N NounouM Ziyan Sheriff and Mohamed N Nounou

    Process safety is a critical component in various process industries. Statistical process monitoring techniques were initially developed to maximize efficiency and productivity, but over the past few decades with catastrophic industrial disasters, process safety has become a top priority. Sensors play a crucial role in recording process measurements, and according to the number of monitored variables, process monitoring techniques can be classified into univariate or multivariate techniques. Most univariate process monitoring techniques rely on three fundamental assumptions: that process residuals contain a moderate level of noise, are independent, and are normally distributed. Practically, however, due to a variety of reasons such as modeling errors and malfunctioning sensors, these assumptions are violated, which can lead to catastrophic incidents. Fortunately, multiscale wavelet-based.. View More»

    DOI: 10.4172/2157-7048.1000328

    Abstract PDF

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