Journal of Geology & Geophysics

ISSN - 2381-8719

+44 1478 350008

Nwankwoala HO

Nwankwoala HO

Port Harcourt

  • Research Article
    Geotechnical Considerations in Shoreline Protection and Land Reclamation in Kula, Eastern Niger Delta
    Author(s): Nwankwoala HO and Orji MONwankwoala HO and Orji MO

    The investigation is to determine the suitability of the study site for the design and construction of a shoreline protection and also carry out reclamation exercise at the adjoining lands. Nine (9) number boreholes were drilled to a maximum depth of 20.0 m below the existing ground level using a cable percussion rig and nine (9) numbers Cone Penetrometer Testing using 2.5 tonne CPT equipment. The lithology reveals intercalations of clay and sand in thin layers to a depth of 2.0 m below the existing ground level. Only borehole 3 revealed the clay layer to a depth of 5.0 m. Underlying this clay is a stratum of loose to medium dense sand and dense sand. The sand is well sorted grading from fine to medium as the borehole advances. The laboratory analysis showed that the silty clay has undrained shear strength of 48 kPa. The loose sand has a maximum SPT (N) value of 12 while the medium de.. View More»

    DOI: 10.4172/2381-8719.1000244

    Abstract PDF

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