Rahul Jain
Case Report
Spinal Intramedullary Lipoma: A Rare Cause of Rapidly Progressive Quadriparesis
Author(s): Bhawna Sharma, Tarun Mathur, Raghavendra BS and Rahul JainBhawna Sharma, Tarun Mathur, Raghavendra BS and Rahul Jain
Spinal intramedullary lipoma is rare accounting for 1% of all spinal tumours with usual location in the cervicothoracic
region and usually associated with spinal dysraphism. These tumours usually have a slowly progressive
indolent course. Our patient a 19 year young male presented with 2 months history of neck pain and acute onset
rapidly progressive spastic quadriparesis with sensory level at T4. He did not have spinal dysgraphism. MRI
spine revealed intramedullary lesions extending from cervicomedullary junction to upper dorsal cord which was
hyperintense on T1 and T2 weighted images. Patient was subsequently operated and histopathology of the resected
mass showed well circumscribed lesion composed of mature adipose tissue suggestive of lipoma... View More»