Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Rebeca Boltes Cecatto

Rebeca Boltes Cecatto

University of São Paulo Rua Caraibas São Paulo Brazil


 Rebeca Boltes Cecatto completed Degree in Medicine from the University of São Paulo (1996), Specialization in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at HCFMUSP (2001) and the Université René Descartes in Paris (2005), title of Specialist in Acupuncture and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. In 2011 PhD at the USP Department of Neurology. Currently developing post doctorate at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo. Since 1995 it has been participating in the creation, development and implementation of several care protocols, educational and research related to the field of rehabilitation in the context of Brazilian public health. Currently a doctor of the St. Paulo.Tem State Cancer Institute experience in acting on the following topics: physical medicine and rehabilitation, rehabilitation of patients with neurological disorders, oncology, chronic pain, rheumatic, bone metabolism, orthopedic and musculoskeletal.

Research Interest

 Acquired Brain Injury, Neurorehabilitation, Stroke, Rehabilitation, Acquired Brain Injury

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