Sass RE
Research Article
Differences in Medicare Quality Measures among Nursing Homes after Pharmacogenetic Testing
Author(s): Azhar Gohar, Wei JY, Ashcraft K, Neradilek MB, Newman RL, Thirumaran RK, Moyer NA and Sass REAzhar Gohar, Wei JY, Ashcraft K, Neradilek MB, Newman RL, Thirumaran RK, Moyer NA and Sass RE
Aim: Medical providers increasingly refer patients for pharmacogenetic testing. However, there is a dearth of data regarding the benefits of testing residents in long-term care facilities. The researchers conducted a retrospective population-level analysis to assess the usefulness of pharmacogenetic testing in nursing homes.Methods: A subset of publicly available data of nursing home quality measures was identified as being possibly associated with medication-related problems and pharmacogenetic variability. The overall quality measures for nursing homes that had initiated pharmacogenetic testing for residents via the YouScript® Personalized Prescribing System, pharmacogenetic testing (PGxT) were compared to measures from control nursing homes that had not initiated testing YouScript®, PGxT testing.Results: There.. View More»