Stanisław Sierakowski
Research Article
Discontinuation of Tnf-Alfa Inhibitors in Rheumatoid Arthritis Remission
Author(s): Izabela Domyslawska, Ewa Gindzienska-Sieskiewicz, Tomasz Chrostowski, Piotr A. Klimiuk and Stanisław SierakowskiIzabela Domyslawska, Ewa Gindzienska-Sieskiewicz, Tomasz Chrostowski, Piotr A. Klimiuk and Stanisław Sierakowski
Objectives: The process of medication for patients with Rheumatoid arthritis until the moment of remission is well-described. However, there is a lack of detailed recommendations as to how to proceed from that point on.
Methods: Our trial produced data for analysis of durability of remission with discontinued biological drugs. We used data from patients treated in the Department of Rheumatology in Bialystok. Patient’s ≥ 18 years with a diagnosis of severe active RA. Patients received biological treatment according to Polish National Health Service guidelines and were monitored every 3 months.
Results: 141 patients met the sample selection criteria. The median time of first-line therapy in our study was 378.5 days. Secondary failure of initial response to treatment was observed in 5.67% of the patients. 118.. View More»