Swati Meshram
Terna Physiotherapy College,
Nerul, West, Maharashtra
Research Article
Comparison of Outcome on Knee Related Function by 2 Different Mode of Progressive Resisted Exercises (PREx) Intervention in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Author(s): Swati Meshram, Sandhya Gupta and Medha DeoSwati Meshram, Sandhya Gupta and Medha Deo
Background: Lower limb muscles strengthening are crucial in knee joint rehabilitation. Weight training as evolved by DeLorm is a more traditional robust form of Progressive resistive exercises (PREx) program in which muscles are exercised against constant resistance through the arc of motion. Use of Elastic bands is yet another tool used in strengthening exercise regimens. What popularly known as Theraband exercises, resistance varies through the arc and relies on various components such as modulus of elasticity. The characteristic differences of theses 2 modes of resisted exercise was assumed to result in different outcomes on measured knee related functions. Hence, this study has been undertaken to compare the short term effects PREx using weight cuffs versus Theraband resistance exercise in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis.
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