Tamara G Fischer-White
University of Virginia School of Nursing,
McLeod Hall, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Research Article
Protocol for a Feasibility Study of Restorative Yoga for Symptom Management in Fibromyalgia
Author(s): Tamara G Fischer-White, Joel G Anderson, Janet E Lewis, Karen M Rose and Ann Gill TaylorTamara G Fischer-White, Joel G Anderson, Janet E Lewis, Karen M Rose and Ann Gill Taylor
Objective: Increasingly, yoga is among the therapies included in recommended multimodal treatment approaches for persons with fibromyalgia. Given the numerous yoga lineages, styles, practice components, and the relatively scant empirical evidence of the effectiveness of yoga therapy for persons diagnosed with fibromyalgia, rigorous studies are needed to support these recommendations. The development of sound methodological designs and protocols to ensure study rigor, enhance replication potential, and synthesize results across studies for establishing evidence-based best practices is needed. Thus, this article presents the design and protocol used in an 8-week intervention study aimed at determining the feasibility of restorative yoga as an appropriate intervention for persons diagnosed with fibromyalgia. A secondary aim was to collect preliminary data on the perceive.. View More»