Tanougast C
Review Article
Small Wind Power Energy Output Prediction in a Complex Zone upon Five Years Experimental Data
Author(s): Ba MM, Ramenah Harry and Tanougast CBa MM, Ramenah Harry and Tanougast C
In this paper, we investigate the performance of a micro-wind turbine in a complex through the power output prediction. The purpose is to show that due to long time period and very subtle onsite measurements the ideal position for the wind turbine can be determined considering experimental data under real conditions. More precisely, from well measured data (wind speed), the power output at one particular location can be approximated by the Weibull function. The considered model is tested and validated at an urban landscape location in Metz city, France, where anemometry is positioned at adjacent to the turbine and the instrumentation is specific to its surrounding location including record wind turbine data thanks to real time wireless communications. Technical data including wind speed and output power were analyzed and reported allowing to provide a reli.. View More»