Teresa García Gasca
Research Article
Characterization of Two Non-Fetuin-Binding Lectins from Tepary Bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) Seeds with Differential Cytotoxicity on Colon Cancer Cells
Author(s): Iovanna Torres Arteaga, Jose L Castro Guillén, Elizabeth Mendiola Olaya, Teresa García Gasca, Marco Vinicio Ángeles Zaragoza, Violeta García-Santoyo, Jorge Ariel Torres Castillo, Cesar Aguirre, Brett Phinney and Alejandro Blanco-LabraIovanna Torres Arteaga, Jose L Castro Guillén, Elizabeth Mendiola Olaya, Teresa García Gasca, Marco Vinicio Ángeles Zaragoza, Violeta García-Santoyo, Jorge Ariel Torres Castillo, Cesar Aguirre, Brett Phinney and Alejandro Blanco-Labra
Two non-fetuin-binding lectins from tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) seeds were purified and characterized. Both lectins LA and LB showed by two dimensional gel electrophoresis very similar apparent molecular mass, and their isoelectric point for both lectins were also very close. Mass spectrometry analysis confirmed these similarities showing high sequence homology among them, and when these sequences were compared to the Mirkov´s deduced sequence of the phyto-hemagglutinin from Phaseolus acutifolius, LA showed higher homology than LB. On the other hand, when their biological activity was determined, only LA possessed affinity to type A erythrocytes, and when these lectins using a semi pure fraction were measured for their cytotoxic effect on colon cancer cells, they showed a differential effect. In the semi pure protein fraction tested, the rest of no-lect.. View More»