Journal of Pollution Effects & Control

ISSN - 2375-4397

Thava Palanisami

Thava Palanisami


  • Review Article
    Microplastics in the Marine Environment: Current Status, Assessment Methodologies, Impacts and Solutions
    Author(s): Ogunola Oluniyi Solomon and Thava PalanisamiOgunola Oluniyi Solomon and Thava Palanisami

    Microplastics exhibit a global distribution and have been detected in all levels of the marine environment. The most visible and disturbing impact of microplastics are their ingestion and consequent suffocation of hundreds of marine species. Microplastics can contribute considerably to the transport of non-indigenous marine species to a new area thereby threatening the marine biodiversity and the food web. They can also accumulate toxic substances on their surface therefore represent a potential concentrated source of environmental pollution or act as a vector of toxic pollutants in the food web with some severe health implications. Therefore, assessment of the status, effect and mitigations are needed. The current status, effects and solutions to the occurrence of microplastics in the marine environments were conducted by reviewing most of the literatures on the subj.. View More»

    DOI: 10.4172/2375-4397.1000161

    Abstract PDF

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